you may ask?

Born in 2024 but our story
started long before…

Back in 1997, a young entrepreneurial marketing duo, Helen and Andy Bowden, fresh out of Yorkshire, acquired a commercial printers in the sticks called Orphans Press. Founded in 1873 by Quaker philanthropist Henry Stanley Newman, an innovative thinker of the age, it had originally helped fund the children’s homes he had set up and provide employment once his charges came of age.

Jump to 2024 and Helen and Andy had significantly expanded their offering, from brand creation to highly technical web development and imaginative marketing. With an impressive portfolio of work under their belts, the time was right for the agency to shape its own destiny. And so, eighteen73 was born. 

eighteen73 leans into our heritage roots. It stands for innovation, passion and integrity and is shorthand to say ‘we’ve been around for a while’. Throw in a contemporary dose of creativity, eco-consciousness and, along with our fiercely independent, entrepreneurial spirit, you get an idea about what our agency is all about.

Building The Team

Like many of our clients, an entrepreneurial spirit runs through the veins of eighteen73. Driven forward by our managing director, Helen Bowden, our agency team has expanded along with our capabilities.

In parallel, we’ve expanded our team by recruiting passionate people, who love what they do and won’t accept anything but the best. Friendly, straight-talking and fizzing with ideas, they’re ready to help brands to achieve more.

Happy in Herefordshire

We are proud to call Herefordshire home. Big blue skies, beautiful green spaces, friendly no-nonsense people… it’s a fantastic place to live, work and build a creative community. And we’re fully invested in supporting the region’s business growth and development.

Our Sister Companies

We are proud to work closely with our sister print and publishing businesses.